Papers on Economics and Evolution
- Managing the Evolution of Cooperation by Dormann et al.
Patience, Fish Wars, rarity value & Allee effects by Reinoud Joosten
Factors and Mechanisms Causing the Emergence of Local Industrial Clusters - A Meta-Study of 159 Cases. by Thomas Brenner and Andr Mhlig
Emergent Cultural Phenomena and their Cognitive Foundations by Christian Cordes
The evolution of costly displays, cooperation, and religion. Inferentially potent displays and their implications for cultural evolution by Joseph Henrich
Division of Labor, Economic Specialization and the Evolution of Social Stratification by Joseph Henrich and Robert Boyd
How Firm Organizations Adapt to Secure A Sustained Knowledge Transfer by Ulrich Witt and Christian Zellner
Opportunity Spin-offs and Necessity Spin-offs by Guido Buenstorf
Evolutionary Micro-dynamics and Changes In the Economic Structure
by Andr Lorentz Maria Savona
From Group Selection to Organizational Interactors by Geoffrey M. Hodgson and Thorbjrn Knudsen
Disentangling the firm growth process: evidence from a recursive panel VAR by Alexander Coad
Firm Entry and Institutional Lock-in: An Organizational Ecology Analysis
of the Global Fashion Design Industry by Rik Wenting and Koen Frenken
The Role of Biology and Culture in Veblenian Consumption Dynamics
by Christian Cordes
Output Dynamics, Flow Equilibria and Structural Change : A Prolegomenon to Evolutionary Macroeconomics by Ulrich Witt and Thomas Brenner
Generalized Darwinism in Evolutionary Economics: The Devil is in the Details by Jack Vromen
Firm Growth and R&D Expenditure by Alexander Coad and Rekha Rao
Localized Technological Knowledge: Pecuniary Knowledge Externalities And Appropriability by Cristiano Antonelli
The Adaptation Problem, Evolution and Normative Economics
by Mozaffar Qizilbash
Novelty and the Bounds of Unknowledge in Economics
by Ulrich Witt
Can Sustainable Consumption Be Learned? by Guido Buenstorf and
Christian Cordes
The Employment Effects of Innovations in High-Tech Industries
by Alexander Coad and Rekha Rao
Prospects for an evolutionary economic psychology: Buying and consumption as a test case by Stephen E. G. Lea and Lesley Newson
- Firm Growth: A Survey by Alexander Coad
Strategic Advertisement with Externalities: A New Dynamic Approach
by Reinoud Joosten
Heuristic Twists and Ontological Creeds : A Road Map for Evolutionary Economics by Ulrich Witt
On the divergence of research paths in evolutionary economics:
a comprehensive bibliometric account by Sandra Tavares Silva and Aurora A.C. Teixeira
Comparative Industrial Evolution and the Quest for an
Evolutionary Theory of Market Dynamics by Guido Buenstorf
Charles Darwin meets Amoeba economicus: Why Natural Selection Cannot Explain Rationality by Elias L. Khalil
Rationality, Rule-Following and Emotions: On the Economics of Moral Preferences by Viktor J. Vanberg
B2C - Bubble to Cluster: The Boom, Spin-off Entrepreneurship, and Regional Industry Evolution by Guido Buenstorf and Dirk Fornahl
Vertical Integration and Dis-integration of Computer Firms: A History Friendly Model of the Co-evolution of the Computer and Semiconductor Industries by Franco Malerba, Richard Nelson, Luigi Orsenigo and Sidney Winter
How Does Opportunistic Behavior Influence Firm Size? by
Christian Cordes, Peter J. Richerson Richard McElreath, Pontus Strimling
Is Academic Entrepreneurship Good or Bad for Science? Empirical Evidence from the Max Planck Society. by Guido Buenstorf
Moral fictionalism, preference moralization and anti-conservatism: why metaethical error theory doesnt imply policy quietism by Don Ross
Democracy, Rationality and Morality by Dennis C. Mueller
The Origins of Fair Play by Ken Binmore
Evolutionary Economics and Psychology by Ulrich Witt
An Assessment of the Regional Innovation Policy by the European Union based on Bibliometrical Analysis by Claudia Werker
The Origins of Meso Economics Schumpeter's Legacy by
Kurt Dopfer
Democratic Epistemics: An Experiment on How to Improve Forensic Science by Roger G. Koppl
Institutions as Determinants of Preference Change : A One Way Relation? by Martin Binder and Uta-Maria Niederle
A Naturalistic Approach to the Theory of the Firm: The Role of Cooperation and Cultural Evolution by Christian Cordes, Peter J. Richerson. Richard McElreath, Pontus Strimling
Evolutionary Economics by Ulrich Witt
Consumer heterogeneity evolving from social group dynamics
by Alexander Frenzel Baudisch
Continuous Market Growth Beyond Functional Satiation
by Alexander Frenzel Baudisch
Perception and pursuit of entrepreneurial opportunities:
an evolutionary economics perspective by Guido Buenstorf
A Stochastic Theory of Geographic Concentration
and the Empirical Evidence in Germany by Thomas Brenner
Fairness in Urban Land Use: An Evolutionary Contribution
to Law & Economics by Christian Schubert
Economists on Darwins theory of social evolution and human behaviour by Alain Marciano