Department of Economics
North-Eastern Hill
University, Shillong (India)
Unit-I : Preliminaries of Evolutionary Economics 12
Arithmorphism vs Dialecticism;
Mechanism vs organism; Newtonian vs Darwinian worldview; the biological methodology of complex
interdependencies, competition, growth, and resource constraints
The concept of evolution- concepts of heredity, variation, mutation,
recombination, natural selection, genetic drift and gene flow, adaptation, co-evolution,
natural and artificial speciation
Lamarckism, Darwinism, Neo-Lamarckism
and Neo-Darwinism; Gene-centered viw of evolution; Modern evolutionary
synthesis and its tenets; Social Darwinism
Theories of Phyletic gradualism versus Punctuated equilibrium; Chaos and
emergence; Complex systems, complexity and self-organisation; Rudiments of
Evolutionary Game theory and Evolutionarily stable strategy.
Unit-II : Major Contributors to Evalutionary Economics
11 Lectures
Pragmatists; William James, Charles Peirce, John Dewey and Clarence Ayers.
Thorstein Veblen, Joseph
Schumpeter, Friedrich von Hayek, Kenneth Boulding and Nocholas
Kenneth Arrow, Armen Alchian,
Ronald Coase, Douglass North and ET Penrose
Herbert Simon, Robert Aumann, Ariel Rubinstein and Herbert Gintis.
Richard Nelson, Sidney Winter, Ulrich Witt and Philip Mirowski
Kurt Dopfer, Carsten Herrmann-Pillath and Hardi Hanappi
Unit-III : Models in Evolutionary Economics 11 Lectures
Axiomatization of Evolutionary Economics; The concept and methodology of
simulation; Structure of simulation models, Evolutionary modeling tools.
Agent-based models; Agent-based computational economics; Works of L
Tesfatsion and KL Judd.
Laboratory for
Simulation Development (LSD) models of Andersen, Phylogenetic models.
Model : Logic, dynamics, software and empirical basis
Sugarscape model
and Swarm multi-agent simulation of Santa Fe Institute
Unit-IV : Evolutionary Computation 11 Lectures
Evolutionary and
Biologically-inspired methods; identification, classification and optimization
Genetic Algorithms –
reproduction, recombination, selection, mutation and survival (fitness);
Particle Swarm and Differential
Evolution optimization metaheuristics;
Elements of Artificial Neural
Networks; methods of network architecture and training; backpropagation.
Reading Materials
Dopfer, Kurt & Potts, Jason
(2007) The General Theory of Economic Evolution, Routledge
Foster, J &
Metcalfe, JS [Eds.] (2001) Frontiers of Evolutionary Economics: Competition,
Self-Organization and Innovation Policy. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK;
Northampton, MA, USA (e-copy
L & Judd, KL (2006) Handbook of Computational Economics, 2 vols Elsevier.
Frank, Steven A.
(1998) Foundations of Social Evolution. Princeton University Press, Princeton,
New Jersey (e-copy available)
Research Papers (E-Copies of these papers are available)
- Managing the
Evolution of Cooperation by Dormann et al.
- Patience,
Fish Wars, rarity value & Allee effects by Reinoud Joosten
- Factors and
Mechanisms Causing the Emergence of Local Industrial Clusters - A
Meta-Study of 159 Cases. by Thomas Brenner and Andr Mhlig
- Emergent
Cultural Phenomena and their Cognitive Foundations by Christian Cordes
- The evolution
of costly displays, cooperation, and religion. Inferentially potent
displays and their implications for cultural evolution by Joseph Henrich
- Division of
Labor, Economic Specialization and the Evolution of Social Stratification
by Joseph Henrich and Robert Boyd
- How Firm
Organizations Adapt to Secure A Sustained Knowledge Transfer by Ulrich
Witt and Christian Zellner
- Opportunity
Spin-offs and Necessity Spin-offs by Guido Buenstorf
- Evolutionary
Micro-dynamics and Changes In the Economic Structure by Andr Lorentz Maria
- From Group
Selection to Organizational Interactors by Geoffrey M. Hodgson and
Thorbjrn Knudsen
- Disentangling
the firm growth process: evidence from a recursive panel VAR by Alexander
- Firm Entry
and Institutional Lock-in: An Organizational Ecology Analysis of the
Global Fashion Design Industry by Rik Wenting and Koen Frenken
- The Role of
Biology and Culture in Veblenian Consumption Dynamics by Christian Cordes
- Output
Dynamics, Flow Equilibria and Structural Change : A Prolegomenon to
Evolutionary Macroeconomics by Ulrich Witt and Thomas Brenner
- Generalized
Darwinism in Evolutionary Economics: The Devil is in the Details by Jack
- Firm Growth
and R&D Expenditure by Alexander Coad and Rekha Rao
- Localized
Technological Knowledge: Pecuniary Knowledge Externalities And
Appropriability by Cristiano Antonelli
- The
Adaptation Problem, Evolution and Normative Economics by Mozaffar
- Novelty and
the Bounds of Unknowledge in Economics by Ulrich Witt
- Can
Sustainable Consumption Be Learned? by Guido Buenstorf and Christian
- The Employment
Effects of Innovations in High-Tech Industries by Alexander Coad and Rekha
- Prospects for
an evolutionary economic psychology: Buying and consumption as a test case
by Stephen E. G. Lea and Lesley Newson
- Firm Growth:
A Survey by Alexander Coad
- Strategic
Advertisement with Externalities: A New Dynamic Approach by Reinoud
- Heuristic
Twists and Ontological Creeds : A Road Map for Evolutionary Economics by
Ulrich Witt
- On the
divergence of research paths in evolutionary economics: a comprehensive
bibliometric account by Sandra Tavares Silva and Aurora A.C. Teixeira
- Comparative
Industrial Evolution and the Quest for an Evolutionary Theory of Market
Dynamics by Guido Buenstorf
- Charles
Darwin meets Amoeba economicus: Why Natural Selection Cannot Explain
Rationality by Elias L. Khalil
- Rationality,
Rule-Following and Emotions: On the Economics of Moral Preferences by
Viktor J. Vanberg
- B2C - Bubble
to Cluster: The Boom, Spin-off Entrepreneurship, and Regional
Industry Evolution by Guido Buenstorf and Dirk Fornahl
- Vertical
Integration and Dis-integration of Computer Firms: A History Friendly
Model of the Co-evolution of the Computer and Semiconductor Industries by
Franco Malerba, Richard Nelson, Luigi Orsenigo and Sidney Winter
- How Does
Opportunistic Behavior Influence Firm Size? by Christian Cordes, Peter J.
Richerson Richard McElreath, Pontus Strimling
- Is Academic
Entrepreneurship Good or Bad for Science? Empirical Evidence from the Max
Planck Society. by Guido Buenstorf
- Moral fictionalism,
preference moralization and anti-conservatism: why metaethical error
theory doesnt imply policy quietism by Don Ross
- Democracy,
Rationality and Morality by Dennis C. Mueller
- The Origins
of Fair Play by Ken Binmore
- Evolutionary
Economics and Psychology by Ulrich Witt
- An Assessment
of the Regional Innovation Policy by the European Union based on
Bibliometrical Analysis by Claudia Werker
- The Origins
of Meso Economics Schumpeter's Legacy by Kurt Dopfer
- Democratic
Epistemics: An Experiment on How to Improve Forensic Science by Roger G.
- Institutions
as Determinants of Preference Change : A One Way Relation? by Martin
Binder and Uta-Maria Niederle
- A
Naturalistic Approach to the Theory of the Firm: The Role of Cooperation
and Cultural Evolution by Christian Cordes, Peter J. Richerson. Richard
McElreath, Pontus Strimling
- Evolutionary
Economics by Ulrich Witt
- Consumer
heterogeneity evolving from social group dynamics by Alexander Frenzel
- Continuous
Market Growth Beyond Functional Satiation by Alexander Frenzel Baudisch
- Perception
and pursuit of entrepreneurial opportunities: an evolutionary economics
perspective by Guido Buenstorf
- A Stochastic
Theory of Geographic Concentration and the Empirical Evidence in Germany
by Thomas Brenner
- Fairness in
Urban Land Use: An Evolutionary Contribution to Law & Economics by
Christian Schubert
- Economists on
Darwins theory of social evolution and human behaviour by Alain Marciano
- International
networks of knowledge flows: an econometric analysis by Mario A. Maggioni
and T. Erika Uberti
- Vicarious
Learning And Socio-Economic Transformation In Indian Trans-Himalaya by K.
Chandrasekhar and Saradindu Bhaduri
- A Note on the
Principle of Normative Individualism by Christian Schubert
- The Regional
Industry-size Distribution - An Analysis of all Types of Industries in
Germany by Thomas Brenner
- Replicating
Organizational Knowledge: Principles or Templates? by Charles Baden-Fuller
and Sidney G. Winter
- Microeconomic
Foundations for Macroeconomic Structure by Richard Day
- Entrepreneurship,
Evolution and the Human Mind by Brian Loasby
- From Carl
Mengers Theory of Goods to an Evolutionary Approach to Consumer Behaviour
by Wilhelm Ruprecht
- Firms as
Realizations of Entrepreneurial Visions by Ulrich Witt
- Local Factors
and Innovativeness : An Empirical Analysis of German Patents for Five
Industries by Tom Broekel and Thomas Brenner
- Heritage and
Agglomeration: The Akron Tire Cluster Revisited by Guido Buenstorf and
Steven Klepper
- From Sensory
to Positivist Utilitarianism and Back -- The Rehabilitation of
Naturalistic Conjectures in the Theory of Demand by Ulrich Witt
- New Firms
Evolving in the Knowledge Economy; problems and solutions around turning
points by Erik Stam and Elizabeth Garnsey
- Hayek Reads
the Literature on the Emergence of Norms by Luciano Andreozzi
- Toward a
Naturalistic Foundation of the Social Contract by Christian Cordes and
Christian Schubert
- Accounting
for evolution: An assessment of the population method by J. S Metcalfe
- Why
Multilevel Selection Matters by Alexander J. Field
- Strategic
Interaction and Externalities: FD-games and pollution by Reinoud Joosten
- Economic
Systems of OECD Nations: Impact and Evolution by Frederic L. Pryor
- The
Autocatalytic Character of the Growth of Production Knowledge: What Role
Does Human Labor Play? by Thomas Brenner and Christian Cordes
- Empirical
Calibration of Simulation Models by Claudia Werker and Thomas Brenner
- Tracing
Empirical Trails of Schumpeterian Development by Michael Peneder
- The Origin
and Location of Entrants in the Evolution of the U.S. Tire Industry by
Guido Buenstorf and Steven Klepper
- Ernst Abbes
Scientific Management: Theoretical Insights from a 19th Century Dynamic
Capabilities Approach by Guido Buenstorf and Murmann
- Multigame
models of innovation in evolutionary economics M. J. Gagen
- Evolutionary
Economics and Chaos Theory: New Directions in Technology Studies Loet
Leydesdorff and Peter Van den Besselaar (eds.). Pinter, London
- Tools and
models for evolutionary simulation by E Sloth Andersen
- Population
analysis for evolutionary economics E Sloth Andersen
- A hands-on approach to
evolutionary simulation: Nelson and Winter models in the Laboratory for
Simulation Development by Marco Valente and Esben Sloth Andersen
- Artificial Neural Networks: Training Models and
- Neural Network Toolbox: A Tutorial for the Course
- The Backpropagation Algorithm
- Mathematics of the Backpropagation Algorithm
Many more
reading materials, especially on neural networks, agent-based computational
economics and biologically inspired optimization techniques, including all
books and research papers enlisted above, are downloadable from the website
Course developed
and reading materials searched/linked by
Professor SK
Dept. of
Hill University, Shillong (India)
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